Jual Nissan Xtrail ST Thn 2005 AT Hitam Siap Pakai

Jakarta 2 Oktober 2014


Rp 112.000.000

Tangggal iklan:

Kota: Jakarta

Merk: Nissan

Tipe: xtrail ST

Kondisi: Bekas

Tahun: 2005

Warna: Hitam


Nama: .fung

Terdaftar sejak: 2 Oktober 2014

Status: .fung

No Handphone: 0899-XXXX-XXXX

Nissan X-Trail ST

th. 2005, warna hitam

transmisi automatic

eksterior mulus dan mengkilap, lampu bening tidak kusam.

tidak bekas nabrak dan banjir.

interior bersih dan tidak bau, no smoking.

leather seat (jok kulit).

mesin kering, sehat, matic halus.

plat B DKI, pajak panjang sampe 2015.

surat2 komplit.

mobil siap pakai


Harga Rp 112.000.000

9 Oktober 2014

Helo there, I'm interested in some of the vehicles there so please can you provide me the following information:

1. Shipment to Papua New Guinea and the cost?

2. Is it posible for me to get there there to indonesia for inspection?

3. is it possbile foe me to buy more than 10 vehicles at one time?

4. Is ok for me to buy the vehicles in Indonesia currency.

Thanks and waiting to hearing from you.


Papua New Guinea

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